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A list and description of CNU Library services. This also serves as our FAQs page.

Useful links

Contact us


Email: -- All questions and suggestions are welcome. We're eager to help.

Quick help: Walk-up hours (generally M-F) are posted in the library.

Schedule an appointment: Meet with a librarian on the topic of your choice. 

Lending materials

Some notable book and journal titles in our collection:

Books on reserve: 

Available for daily use within the library only. These books are to be returned before the end of the day and are not permitted to leave the library. Books on reserve are in high demand, and usually consist of course textbooks. We want to ensure everyone is able to use these high-demand books. 

Other print books: 

Available for checkout. Students can check out books for one month. Faculty for one year. Books can be renewed by emailing the library or asking a librarian in person. 


Available for use online anytime. No limit to the number of people who can access an eBook at once. Most eBooks can be downloaded by chapter. Some can be downloaded entirely.  

What is an interlibrary loan request?

An email request for access to an article that isn't available in our databases. 

When should I submit an interlibrary loan request? 

When you need an article for a paper, assignment, or research project, but cannot access it, you should submit an interlibrary loan request. We want you to have access to the best sources for your work. When in doubt, send a request! 

Where can I find the interlibrary loan request form? 

Here is a direct link to the form. You can also find it on our library webpage.  

How does an interlibrary loan request work? 

How long does it take to receive the article I requested? 

It can take up to three (3) days for you to receive an article you request. If there are any complications, we will let you know within that three (3) day window. You can always ask us for an update on the status of your interlibrary loan request. 


Our goal is to support students and faculty members in their academic endeavors. We aim to create a supportive space for you in our libraries. If you are looking for a service not listed here, please email us at and we will help you.